Goat Farming

Goat is a multi functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of landless, small and marginal farmers in the country. Goat rearing is practiced by a larger section of population in rural India. Goat farming is also successful in low fertile lands where crops would be a failure. Rearing goats by grazing method is a common picture in rural India. But one cannot be highly successful by rearing goats by grazing. On the other hand by rearing goats by stall fed method is proved highly successful. Goats are friendly animals. Another interesting feature in goat farming is that Twinning is very common.Goats are 2.5 times more economical than sheep. Goat creates employment to the rural poor besides effectively utilizing unpaid family labor. There is ample scope for establishing cottage industries based on goat meat and milk products.
To know more on goat farming contact us for a video documentary on GOATS.

+91 9663 069 926
+91 9036 068 546


  1. This is a nice video documentation. Especially the silage making part was shown in detail which I would say is the highlight of the documentary. Altogether an useful presentation

  2. Beetal goat originated form India and a very important goat breed of some Asian countries especially of India and Pakistan. They has similarity with Jamunapari goat. The are very highly milk productive goat breed. Also very suitable for commercial meat production. They are very suitable for farming inside the farm with a little or no grazing place. And they also can adopt themselves with any environment and climate easily. A large number of beetal goat can be found in Punjab, Sialkot, Gurdaspur of India Lahore, Rawalpindi of Pakistan and some regions of Bangladesh.
